Town Meeting Recap

At tonight’s Town Meeting, citizens quickly approved virtually all items on the warrant without discussion or dissent, including a $19.3 million budget resulting in an estimated average real estate tax increase of approximately 5%.  Towards the very end of the warrant, citizens did debate one of the three proposals submitted by a group of non-union employees and ultimately defeated that proposal.

After citizens voted to make two amendments to the Personnel Bylaw awarding more Holiday and Vacation Leave to non-union employees without any discussion, the Meeting’s only debate emerged on Article 24, a proposal to grant Longevity Pay to non-union employees covered by the Personnel Bylaw (primarily the department heads).  Ultimately, the article was defeated on a vote of 24-29.

The Town Hall Renovation Committee also presented a detailed report on its $6.8 million proposal for renovations to Town Hall.  The Committee will hold a “question and answer session” next Wednesday, May 29.  Citizens will have a chance to vote on the proposed project at a Special Town Meeting on June 18.

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